Fast Fashion Visualisation

Visualisation of ESG Progress in Fast Fashion To bring awareness to the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC), I wanted to make a playful data visualisation that is accessible to anyone who might not necessarily be data literate. I did not want a chart-heavy visualisation to drive away individuals who might otherwise have wanted to learn about […]

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Data Visualization Society State Of The Industry Survey Challenge

Data Visualization Society State Of The Industry Survey Challenge 2022 In some depth… Until recently, I had not been an active member of the Data Visualization Society (DVS); I passively consumed the great reads and inspiring data visualisations that their weekly emails are brimmed with, and attended a couple of online workshops, and virtual coffee […]

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Gresham Coin

In 2018 I designed a coin to commemorate the 500th (or 440th, however you see it) anniversary of Sir Thomas Gresham’s life (1519-1579). From receiving unsought history lessons from my father about him (who is possibly Gresham’s biggest fangirl, as well as the reason I got roped into this project), to attending a fair few […]

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Vegetation Mapping with ArcGIS

The end product, a vegetation cover map of Lemelerberg and Archemerberg in the Netherlands. Using ArcGIS, I produced a vegetation cover map of a rural area in the Netherlands as part of a master course, “Mapping and Monitoring for Natural Resource Management” that I took in 2019 during my bachelor at University College Twente. With […]

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The Art and Science of Optical Illusions & M.C. Escher

Something I love about my university bachelor programme, is the fact that every year a small percentage of my required credits must go towards a personal project that can be about anything I want that’s outside of my regular curriculum, as long as it has an academic element to it. In my second year I […]

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After listening to the podcast, “Polyamory: When two just won’t do”, from Stuff You Should Know, I wanted to delve deeper into this topic. As psychology was a compulsory part of my course last semester, I decided to create an extra individual assignment that focused on monogamy and polyamory where I designed the questions I wanted […]

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“Neuromagic” was the name given to one of illusionist Victor Mids’ live shows that I attended back in November 2016, combining magic tricks with science. Mids is known for his popular television show “Mindf*ck”, watched by millions in the Netherlands, and book with the same title.

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